We got two, count 'em, two announcements to kick off February:
#1 The 2018 Locher Award is now open for submissions, with an extended deadline this year of JUNE 15. The John Locher Memorial Award is a contest for aspiring cartoonists, ages 18-25, who draw on political and social topics. Complete details here: https://locheraward.org/
(Also, a request from Locher administrator Dan Nott: If you are teaching a class, or know anyone in the art or journalism department at a university, college or school near you, please get in touch with Dan at dancooper.nott@gmail.com. He has been building a database of contacts across the country.)
#2 The Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum at the Ohio State University has created a research award named after Lucy Caswell. If you're working on a book, site or history project, you can apply to win $2500 to support your travel to Ohio as you do a deep dive in the stacks at OSU. Apply today — and by that I mean hurry! The deadline is March 1.