Word comes that long-time Baltimore cartoonist Mike Lane has passed away. Lane was at the Evening Sun for decades, and later joined Daryl Cagle’s online venture. Lane’s loose easy style had a Mad Magazine flair but hid a sharp, stinging wit. His long-time friend and coworker Dan Rodricks remembers the cartoonist.
The editorial board he worked with called him “‘rude, vicious, tough’… [and] we wouldn’t have it any other way.” https://www.baltimoresun.com/opinion/editorial/bs-ed-1119-mike-lane-cartoons-20191118-wzonsuvay5bmnd5oqycno3t2ti-story.html
The Baltimore Sun’s obit of Mike Lane can be found here: https://www.baltimoresun.com/obituaries/bs-md-ob-mike-lane-obit-20191118-zkyyk62ilberlkxdvo5khjtkni-story.html