Annual Convention

Annual Convention September 11-14, 2025

The AAEC will be joining the line-up at this year’s Small Press Expo as part of our annual convention in September 2025. Check back here later this year for registration and hotel information!

SPX website


‘No filter’: Cartoonists MATT BORS & TED RALL depart for Afghanistan eager to tell ‘the people’s story’

By Michael


For 18 long months, Matt
Bors spent his days at war. In every hot spot, his eyes trained on every
Humvee, on every rocket, on every malaria pill. It was challenging, grueling,
exhausting — and all from the safe remove of a drawing board in Portland.

As Bors labored over
illustrating the just-released David Axe graphic novel War Is Boring, he
relied for visuals on Googling his way around the world — East Timor to Chad to
Somalia to Lebanon. From home, he employed the Web and his imagination as he
provided cartoon image to Axe’s firsthand war-reporter narrative — even for the
word balloon in which Axe directs his “anger at the pundits and editorial
cartoonists who make their living criticizing wars they know nothing about and
are too cowardly to go see for themselves.”

Today, Bors, the cartoon
chronicler of global events, is hardly too cowardly. Today. the Oregon artist
who has never left the country as an adult is making that maiden voyage to a
war-torn country.

For the rest of the article, please visit

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The mission of the AAEC is to champion and defend editorial cartooning and free speech as essential to liberty in the United States and throughout the world.

The AAEC aims to be an international leader in support of the human, civil, and artistic rights of editorial cartoonists around the world, and to stand with other international groups in support of the profession.

The Daily Cartoonist

CSotD: Sunday Miscellany
CSotD: Sunday Miscellany

Dave Coverly gets the Crystal Ball Award for having drawn this piece godknowswhen but well before Dear Leader declared himself a king and got plenty...


The AAEC John Locher Memorial Fellowship is awarded each year to one early-career cartoonist whose work demonstrates clear opinions and strong artistry on political and social topics. Deadline to be considered is the end of March.

The Locher Fellow will receive a one-year Regular membership in the AAEC, be a guest of the CXC Festival — held every fall in Columbus, Ohio —  and have the opportunity to meet with editorial cartoonists during the year of the Fellowship for portfolio reviews and career advice.


Cartoons in Education

Every two weeks throughout the year, The Learning Forum and the AAEC offers CARTOONS FOR THE CLASSROOM, a free lesson resource for teachers discussing current events.  Visit for more lesson plans.