We are 10 days out from our gathering in California, but it isn't the only AAEC event happening this month.
Immediately following the Sacramento convention (the very next week) is CXC — Cartoon Crossroads Columbus — the cartoon festival in Columbus, Ohio. The AAEC plans to have an exhibitors table at their Marketplace Expo Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 29 and 30, to increase awareness of our organization among the many other kinds of cartoonists who will be there.
We welcome our fellow editorial cartoonists to attend — especially if you couldn't make it to Sacramento — and appreciate any help you'd like to give to help staff this table those days.
CXC is the annual free city-wide festival in Columbus, Ohio, home of Ohio State's Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum, spans four days and celebrates and connects people who love cartooning. All editorial cartoonists are invited to attend and rub shoulders with creators and fans from the whole gamut of cartoon arts. You'll hear more about CXC during our convention in Sacramento.
The Marketplace And Expo will be held at the downtown branch of the Columbus Metropolitan Library. If you'll be in town for this event, and are interested in helping staff the table those days, please let us know. You can email me at ksiers@charlotteobserver.com.
You can find more info about CXC Columbus at cartooncrossroadscolumbus.com
Kevin Siers
AAEC President-Elect