Annual Convention

Annual Convention October 3-6

The AAEC and Association of Canadian Cartoonists is teaming up with the Université du Québec à Montréal for a 3-day celebration of all-things political cartooning, October 3-6, 2024.

Online registration: click here

Daily Cartoon Update

Some of you may have noticed the “Today’s Cartoon” feed has disappeared from our website. Unfortunately, the old software that handled our member’s cartoon gallery recently developed a fatal bout of bad coding, and the cartoon slideshow was a casualty. Our web manager thought they could patch it, but it turns out a recent security update on our host server wasn’t backwards compatible with the graphics plug-in and kept crashing the rest of the site. 

The AAEC is looking at options to replace the software. Until then, if you need a daily cartoon fix check out our list of cartoonists onTwitter, orDrawing Fire, a facebook page curated by editorial cartoonist Clay Jones.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

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The mission of the AAEC is to champion and defend editorial cartooning and free speech as essential to liberty in the United States and throughout the world.

The AAEC aims to be an international leader in support of the human, civil, and artistic rights of editorial cartoonists around the world, and to stand with other international groups in support of the profession.


Cartoons in Education

Every two weeks throughout the year, The Learning Forum and the AAEC offers CARTOONS FOR THE CLASSROOM, a free lesson resource for teachers discussing current events.  Visit for more lesson plans.