Annual Convention

Annual Convention October 3-6

The AAEC and Association of Canadian Cartoonists will be teaming up with the Université du Québec à Montréal for a 3-day celebration political cartoonists, October 3-6, 2024.

Online registration coming soon!

Saving Pease

Dennis Myers

High School in Portland, Ore., was built in 1909, and recently a clean
up of its storage room turned up several dozen pieces of art, many of them
by New Deal-era artists like Otis Oldfield and Elinor Stone.Also found
were the originals of 19 cartoons by Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist
“Lute” Pease, who was born in Winnemucca, Nevada 140 years ago.

Pease was
a cartoonist for the Oregonian in Portland, editor of the Pacific Monthly
(a literary publication), and cartoonist for the Newark (N.J.) News. His
1948 Pulitzer reportedly made him the oldest person to that time—80 years
old—to win the coveted journalism award.

Jefferson High is trying to raise
$27,000 for restoration and protection of the artworks. In Pease’s case,
that may involve treating the paper on which the cartoons were drawn if
it turns out to be acid based paper. About $5,000 has been raised so far.

can be sent to Jefferson Artworks at Jefferson High School 5210 No. Kerby
Ave, Portland, OR 97217. Information on the project is posted at

News Review, April 23

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The mission of the AAEC is to champion and defend editorial cartooning and free speech as essential to liberty in the United States and throughout the world.

The AAEC aims to be an international leader in support of the human, civil, and artistic rights of editorial cartoonists around the world, and to stand with other international groups in support of the profession.


Cartoons in Education

Every two weeks throughout the year, The Learning Forum and the AAEC offers CARTOONS FOR THE CLASSROOM, a free lesson resource for teachers discussing current events.  Visit for more lesson plans.