Kevin "Kal" Kallaugher is having a busy spring.
In March, he spent 12 days visiting Amman, Jordan and Beirut, Lebanon as part of a strategic speaker initiative sponsored by the US Embassies in the region. "During my visit I addressed a wide variety of groups including University students on six campuses, cartoonists, animators, journalists, and civic leaders," he wrote in an e-mail.
"Our discussions centered on the opportunities and limitations of political cartoons in promoting freedom of expression. There was great interest in the region in the program particularly in light of the controversial Danish cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammad.
"My visit garnered a good bit of media exposure. I have posted to my blog some news and reflections [on the trip]. Included are photos and links to the media coverage of the tour.
KAL also announced the launch of the first KAL iPhone App. From the press release: "Created in conjunction with RevelMob, the iKal-Book is just $.99 and available at the iTunes store. This new application is an impressive collection of KAL's award winning political cartoons, hand-picked by the artist himself. Browse through 150+ examples of KAL’s work, including 29 color covers and illustrations from The Economist magazine."
Finally, he announced that he will be at the Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University in Durham, N.C., on April 14 for a panel discussing "Satire and New Media". The event is open to the public and starts at 7PM.