Notes from Seattle
A look at this year’s editorial confab in Seattle, with photos and video links.
DMZ America with Ted Rall and Scott Stantis
A Talk with Editorial Cartoonists by Angelo Lopez
Politics Ink with Jim Morrissey
A look at this year’s editorial confab in Seattle, with photos and video links.
Deadlines, get your deadlines here! The first wave of deadlines for fall contests and books is fast approaching. Here’s what you want to know:
As Ted Rall mentioned in his introduction to the Ink Bottle Award presentation, this year’s recipient may have possibily saved the AAEC. After our original convention sponsor, the Seattle P-I, closed early in 2009, and other corporate sponsors proved to be less than forthcoming, Ted went to this individual with his concerns that to not […]
“The clear message is that no matter how small a newspaper payroll needs to be in order for a paper to turn a profit, a decent staff cartoonist who connects with the audience is a smart part of that profit strategy.” — Matt Davies
After one of the briefest retirements on record, Bill Schorr has returned to editorial cartooning. Daryl Cagle, whose syndicate, Cagle Cartoons, Inc., will now carry Schorr’s work, made the announcement on his blog in August. “We’re very excited,” Cagle told E&P Online. “He’s a star. I read him as a kid growing up in L.A., […]
The mission of the AAEC is to champion and defend editorial cartooning and free speech as essential to liberty in the United States and throughout the world.
The AAEC aims to be an international leader in support of the human, civil, and artistic rights of editorial cartoonists around the world, and to stand with other international groups in support of the profession.
More than half a century before Aaron McGruder’s first introduced The Boondocks as a comic strip (and later television series) and decades before the biting...
The AAEC John Locher Memorial Fellowship is awarded each year to one early-career cartoonist whose work demonstrates clear opinions and strong artistry on political and social topics. Deadline to be considered is the end of March.
The Locher Fellow will receive a one-year Regular membership in the AAEC, be a guest of the CXC Festival — held every fall in Columbus, Ohio — and have the opportunity to meet with editorial cartoonists during the year of the Fellowship for portfolio reviews and career advice.
Every two weeks throughout the year, The Learning Forum and the AAEC offers CARTOONS FOR THE CLASSROOM, a free lesson resource for teachers discussing current events. Visit for more lesson plans.
PO Box 160314, Sacramento, CA 95816
All content © 2025 AAEC or of the respective artists.